Monday, January 31, 2011

いちがつさんじゅういちにち げつようび

what we learned today

1)~すきです。 e.g.)いぬがすきです。 I like a dog.
2)how to make sentences for project on Wednesday.

Homework is workbook p,46 and practice your script for projects.

On Wednesday, we are in computer lab. Please come to this class because if you miss this class, it is hard to make up. You have to bring digital pictures of you and your family. 

On Friday, we will have a TEST 1. I will explain it in detail on Wednesday. 

Friday, January 28, 2011

いちがつにじゅうはちにち きんようび

What we learned today was
1)conjugation of い-adjectives

e.g) こわいーこわいです。こわくありません。こわかったです。こわくありませんでした

homework is workbook p.42 and 43.
blog entry #3 about your family. Use my blog entr3 to complete this task.


くまちゃんは、やさしいです。そして、おおきいです きびしくありません。よくたべます

1)Use ~います。~あります。
2)Include Names
3)Use more than 2 Adjective. Present Affirmatives
4)Use  Adjective Present Negative
5)Use More than 2Verbs

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

いちがつにじゅうろくにち すいようび

What we learned today was

1)adjective 2
e.g.) せんせいは、かわいいです。The teacher is cute.

2)な-adj. conjugation

3)い-adj. conjugation

e.g.) こわいーこわいです。こわくありません

homework is workbook page 41.

いちがつにじゅうよっか げつようび

Today we learned ADJECTIVE (modifying nouns)

e.g.) これは、おいしいコーヒーです。

Homework is workbook p.45.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Blog #2


いちがつにじゅういちにち きんようび

What we learned today were

1) Katakana ヤユヨ ラリルレロ ワヲン
2)Quiz #1

Homework is
1)blog entry #2 about "What did you do on weekend?"
You have to write more than 5 sentences Using Past tense Verbs
See my example blog.
2)Workbook p.115 and 116

Quiz#2 on Monday is on Katakana マミムメモ ヤユヨ ラリルレロ ワヲン

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

いちがつ じゅうくにち すいようび

What we learned today are

1)katakana タチツテト
2)katakana ナニヌネノ
3)katakana ハヒフヘホ
4)katakana マミムメモ

homework is workbook page 113 and 114.
Quiz on Friday. アイウエオ カキクケコ サシスセソ タチツテト ナニヌネノ ハヒフヘホ

***Please upload a picture on your blog page and do blog #1.

Friday, January 14, 2011

いちがつじゅうよっか きんようび

What we learned today were

1)how to use blog
2)Katakana サシスセソ

homework is
1)blog entry #1 you have to include
1. はじめまして
2. name
3. age
4. Make a sentence with VERB
5. Make a sentence with ~があります。~がいます。
6. よろしくおねがいします。

2) Put your picture on your blog so I can see which one is your blog.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

いちがつじゅうににち すいようび

Today what we learned were

1)katakana アイウエオ カキクケコ
2)how to say 'How are you? ' in Japanese. げんきですか。 はい、げんきです。

homework is workbook page 112.

Monday, January 10, 2011

1/10 げつようび

What we did today were

1)introduction of Japanese 102
3)introduction of classmates

On Wednesday, we will start learn katakana. If you want to head start, you can do workbook p.112.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

