Sunday, February 27, 2011

にがつ にじゅうはちにち げつようび

What we learned today

1)Vocabulary sentences
2)~ている(action in progress)

Homework is workbook p.58 and vocabulary sheet-all adjective and verbs (due by Friday).
Vocabulary quiz from Lesson 7 ADJECTIVES ONLY is on Friday!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Lesson6 Test is included the following:

1)Lesson 5 adjectives (meaning, conjugation)
2)Lesson 6 all
mainly 5 usages of て-forms and ~から(because)

Study the workbook a lot and remember the vocabulary to answer the questions that I made changes a little.


にがつ にじゅうさんにち すいようび

What we learned today were

1)~てください。e.g.) 食べてください。
3)~てはいけません。e.g.) たばこをすってはいけません。

Homework is p.50 and 53.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Blog #1 introduction
Blog#2 daily life using verbs
Blog#3 your family
Blog#4 Photo Story 1
Blog#5 teaching experience in English
Blog#6 Te-form verbs about your daily life

にがつ にじゅういちにち げつようび

What we learned today were


Homework is workbook p.55 and complete the handout that I gave to you.


1) We will have a Lesson 6 test on Friday including adjective vocabulary from Lesson 5 .
2) If you haven't submit all homework, you will submit by Wednesday.
 if you don't know what you are missing, talk to me after class or email me.
3) I will give you mid term grade on Friday, 2/25.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

にがつじゅうはちにち きんようび

What we learned today were

1) how to organize vocabulary
2)how to remember vocabulary

Homework is

1)blog entry #6 "what do you do in daily life" using Te-forms (connecting verbs/command) more than 5 sentences

2)Vocabulary organizer---You will finish u-verbs,ru-verbs and irregular verbs.

Quiz on Monday is all verbs (again) from textbook p.116 and 117.

blog entry #4 family with adjectives
blog entry #5 photo story

にがつ じゅうろくにち すいようび

What we learned today were
1)Adjective teaching
2)Review of Te-forms
3)2nd usage of Te-forms, which is Command

Homework is workbook p.54.

Monday, February 14, 2011

にがつじゅうよっか げつようび バレンタインデー

What we learned today were

1)the custom of Valentine's day in Japan
2)how to make heart by origami
3)how to conjugate Te-forms
4)how to use Te-form

すいようびはクイズがあります。クイズはテキストのp。116と117のu-verbs,ru-verbs and irregular verbsです。

Friday, February 11, 2011

にがつじゅういちにち きんようび

What we learned today were

1)counter まい e.g.) いちまい、にまい、さんまい
2)Review of Adjectives

homework is
1)handout ~ましょう。~ましょうか
2) blog entry #5 about "how do you think about teaching each other? For example, like activity we did today.
If you finish teaching, write your experience and how do you think this activity. Will it be advantage or disadvantage of your learning Japanese?  What is benefit of teaching each other? If you haven't, how do you think that you will become a teacher.Difficult? Easy? Why?"
3)If you cannot upload your Photo Story, email it to me.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

にがつ ここのか すいようび

What we learned today were

1)~ましょう。~ましょうか。 Textbook p.103
2)how to reply to the invitation     e.g.) しぃぃぃ~ちょっと。。。。
3) Review of verbs conjugation

homework is workbook p.47. Bring your Photo Story(jump drive, blog, email yourself) ready to show to everyone.

Monday, February 7, 2011

にがつなのか げつようび

What we did today was

1)Chapter 5 test

As for photo story, make sure that you save the WMV file. NOT wp3 file.
So you can upload on your blog. Meanwhile, you can email your photo story to my gmail email.

Friday, February 4, 2011

にがつよっか きんようび

what you have to do over weekend:

1) Complete Photo story → You will upload your photo story in  your blog(This is blog entry#4).
2) Study for Chapter 5 test

What are you going to study are mainly Katakana and adjectives. Answer the following questions. If you can answer all yes, you will be ready for test.

1)Can you write all katakana perfectly?
2)Can you conjugate いadjective correctly?
3)Can you conjugate なadjective correctly?
4)Can you conjugate irregular adjective correctly?
5) Can you make a sentence with ~がすきです。
6) Can you make a sentence with ~がきらいです。
7)Can you describe your family member with more than 3 adjectives?

Please study with your workbook. The format of test will be similar to workbook.